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3 Different Perfumes, 3 Different Ways

Learn how to make three different kinds of scents in three different ways. Perfumes don’t just come in sprays, they can also come in other forms that are just as effective. Visit Infinity Jars today to learn the subtle differences.

Why make your own perfume?

The same reason that you may want to make your own personal care products: the presence of potentially harmful ingredients. A lot of cosmetics, soaps, shampoos, and other similar products have certain substances that have been scientifically proven to be harmful to the person, the environment, or both.

Perfumes are no different. A lot of the perfumes you’ll find in stores have these harmful chemicals as well. Manufacturers may even include chemicals that they are not legally required to disclose.

So how can you be sure of what you’re putting on your body? By making personal care products yourself. Perfumes can also be made at home, just as other cosmetic products can be made at home as well. It’s certainly an interesting project at the very least, and at the most, you may even have something you can sell and profit off of.

Perfume Recipes

Perfumes aren’t actually all that difficult to make yourself. As long as you have essential oils, carrier oils, a couple of other ingredients, and the perfect bottles, making your own perfume should be a walk in the park.

Subtly Floral Roll-On Perfume

This is a great perfume to make either for yourself or as a gift for events like Mother’s Day or a friend’s birthday. As a roll-on perfume, it’s also easier to bring with you when you’re traveling, since it’s unlikely to be messy when you use it.

Here are the things you’ll need:

Add the essential oil drops into the glass roller bottle. Fill up the rest of the bottle with the carrier oil, then put the lid on and store the bottle somewhere dark and cool. Let the mixture sit for some time before using so the scents of the oils will blend together properly.


Sweet Fragrance Fine Mist Perfume

There’s nothing like letting the fine droplets of a perfume gently rain down on you to make you feel ready to walk out your front door and face the day. You can smell like a fresh spring day with this perfume, which includes fragrant floral and fruity notes.

Here are the things you’ll need:

Add the drops of essential oil and the vanilla extract into the bottle and let them blend together. Put the cap on and let the mixture sit for a few days you the scents will come together. Once those days are up, add the alcohol and shake the bottle to combine the ingredients. You can use the perfume by then, but you can also leave the bottle in a cold and dark cupboard for a month. This isn’t necessary, but doing this will make the scent of the alcohol fade while bringing out the scent of the essential oils.

Garden Herbs Solid Perfume

Solid perfume is a very interesting invention. Perhaps one of its best attributes is that you’ll be able to stash your perfume in your bag and go about your day without worrying about very fragrant leaks. Another great thing about solid perfume is that solid perfume is actually quite easy and simple to make yourself. 

Here are the things you’ll need:

Take a small saucepan that you’ll no longer be planning to use to cook food in, then use it to melt sweet almond oil and beeswax over low heat. Once the two ingredients have melted, turn off the heat and let the pan’s contents cool down for a minute or two. When the almond oil and beeswax have cooled down sufficiently, add the drops of essential oils and stir to combine all the ingredients.

This recipe will be able to fill about three 5 ml UV glass screw top jars.


DIY Perfumes with Infinity Jars

Whichever type of perfume you want to make, Infinity Jars has got you covered. We have roller bottles, fine mist spray bottles, and cosmetic jars -- all in various sizes that can fit various needs. There are also a lot of other types of bottles and jars that can do a lot of different things. You might even find other bottles that can help you with a lot of different storage problems.

What’s more, you won’t even have to step out of your property to own one of these Infinity Jars containers. Simply place your order, sort out the payment details, and wait for your UV glass jars and bottles to arrive at your doorstep.


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